Los Angeles Airport Luật sư DUI
Have you been arrested for DUI in LAX area? Reach out to The DUI Specialist for a free consultation.
Chúng tôi chuyên về DUI và các phiên điều trần DMV

Các trường hợp DUI được xử lý
Tỷ lệ khách hàng tránh được hình phạt tù
Năm kinh nghiệm
Tốt nghiệp trường luật
Chúng tôi bảo vệ các trường hợp lái xe khi say rượu tại tất cả các tòa án ở California
Best DUI Lawyers in Los Angeles 2024
Hỗ trợ bằng tiếng Việt
Không thông thạo tiếng Anh? Không có gì. Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ phiên dịch 24/7 bằng hơn 30 ngôn ngữ. Truyền thông thực hiện dễ dàng. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi ngay hôm nay để được TƯ VẤN MIỄN PHÍ 1 HR.
Điện Thoại
(213) 446-2495
Địa chỉ
3810 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 2107, Los Angeles, California 90010
Thời gian làm việc
24 hours a day 7 days a week
Hỏi đáp bằng tiếng Việt
Bạn có thể trực tiếp thảo luận với luật sư.
Lĩnh Vực Chuyên Môn
Dịch vụ của chúng tôi
Bảo vệ DUI là tất cả những gì chúng tôi làm, vì vậy nếu bạn gặp DUI hoặc vấn đề liên quan, bạn đã đến đúng nơi.
lời chứng thực
Ồ! Jeff đã nhanh chóng bác bỏ trường hợp của tôi. Tôi rất đánh giá cao nỗ lực và quyết tâm của anh ấy để giải quyết vụ việc của tôi với khả năng tốt nhất của anh ấy. Anh ấy là người thực hành mà tôi thích hơn rất nhiều so với các luật sư khác và văn phòng của họ chuyển vụ việc của bạn cho những người khác. Cảm ơn rất nhiều Jeff, tôi rất vui khi đặt nó sau lưng và tiếp tục.
Jeff Yeh is a great DUI attorney he is very personable honest aggressive and knows how to work all the angles and the system for your benefit. I will recommend Jeff yeh to anybody who needs a good DUI attorney thank you Jeff for all of your help.
This is the second time I asked Jeff for help and I do not regret the decision. On a second DUI charge he managed to win the DMV decision and I am able to apply to get my license back! Very proffesional and always responds. I highly recommend his services he knows what he is doing!
Navigating a DUI Charge in Los Angeles Airport,California
LAX Court is a relatively liberal courthouse with a jury pool that is younger and diverse.
Los Angeles Airporte is a conservative court with a jury pool that is generally pro-law-enforcement.
Airport Court is manned by multiple prosecutorial agencies, most notably the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office and the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office.
Knowing the priorities and tendencies of the various prosecutorial agencies is key to obtaining the best possible outcome. For example, while many prosecutors here may not be inclined to give you what you want, their supervisors may. However, getting results involves a delicate balance of navigating but not stepping on toes. Hiring a lawyer familiar with LAX Court is your best bet if you want a good outcome.

Recent winning case in Los Angeles Airport Courthouse,California
Case Name: People v. N.Q.
Alleged BAC: 0.09 Blood
Disposition Date: May, 2024
Disposition: DUI dismissed; Wet Reckless pleMột
Case Name: DMV v. N.Q.
DMV Allegation: 0.09 Blood
Disposition Date: January, 2024
Ruling: DMV Set Aside
Victory in Court and at the DMV
Client was pulled over for expired tags, and blew a 0.08% BAC on the handheld PAS. Later at the hospital, client submitted to a blood test with a result of a 0.09% BAC.
Traumatized by the whole event, client reached out to the Law Office of Jeff Yeh for help. The first step was to deal with the DMV, which was trying to suspend for 4 months client’s driver’s license which he so desperately needs. Upon reviewing the evidence, Attorney Yeh advised the client to hire an expert to testify at the DMV Hearing; the expert testimony would show that client’s BAC was rising, to the extent that he could not have been more than a 0.07% at the time of driving. Client proceeded as advised and, when the DMV presented no evidence to contradict the expert, won a Set Aside!
In court, on top of presenting the same rising defense, Attorney Yeh put together a mitigation packet for the DA’s office that included 3 reference letters from former employers that attested to client’s clean record and good character. When all was set and done, client’s DUI was dismissed, and he walked away with a Wet Reckless, with no suspension of his driver’s license coming from either court or DMV.
That’s what you call a “win win situation” !

Los Angeles Airport
Airport Courthouse Info
TEL: (310) 725-3000
Address: 11701 S. La Cienega, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Website: https://www.lacourt.org/courthouse/info/lax